September 15, 2022

Message from Rob Whitten, President of JGS Lifecare

Rob Whitten

Dear Residents and Families,

I have very exciting news to share. Recently, the Department of Public Health was onsite for a week in August to survey our skilled nursing residence and rate our level of care. The end result: we received the best survey results the building has had in many years! With the most recent Nursing Home Compare Star rating going from three to four, this survey should bring us to 5 stars after the next CMS update, which is the highest possible rating. I am so proud of our dedicated staff and wonderful residents who are responsible for us receiving this prestigious designation.

For those of you who observe the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and You Kippur, I wish you a very happy and healthy New Year. These special days are a time to rejoice in being with family and friends as well as reflect on the past year.

Although the long days of summer are behind us, I hope everyone is now enjoying the beautiful fall weather. It’s one of my favorite times of year.

Warm regards,


Rob Witten
JGS Lifecare