Message from Adam Berman, President of JGS Lifecare
Dear Residents and Families,
As I walk through our homes and speak with residents and staff, one consistent thing I hear is that people are tired. This fatigue may be mental, physical, spiritual, or some combination thereof, but no matter the form it takes, it has an impact. The experience of the past 20 months is still weighing heavily on us all.
Now that our residents and staff have been vaccinated, our focus is shifting to the mental health and well-being of everyone in our organization. With this in mind, we are establishing committees who will be charged with generating ideas for ways in which we can support one another in both better coping with what we have gone through and developing and maintaining a sense of optimism about what lies ahead.
We have come a long way, but more needs to be done before we can really move forward. By addressing these issues, we can best meet the needs of our communities and take care of each other. The future is very bright indeed.
Adam Berman
President & CEO
JGS Lifecare