August 4, 2021

JGS Lifecare to honor the memory of Seymour Frankel at 40th Annual Frankel-Kinsler Classic Golf Tournament


After having to cancel last year’s tournament, JGS Lifecare’s brings back its Frankel-Kinsler Classic Golf Tournament, now celebrating its 40th anniversary, at Twin Hills Country. This will be the organization’s 40th annual tournament and it is being held to honor the memory of Seymour Frankel, one of the founders of the Classic and a long-time supporter and special ambassador of JGS Lifecare. In addition to golf, the tournament includes bridge, canasta and mahjong tournaments.

The tournament is named not for Seymour, but rather in memory of his son, Michael Frankel, a past Chairman of the JGS Board who passed away in 2013 at the young age of 49. It is also named in honor of the Raymond and Herman Kinsler Families, longtime supporters of JGS Lifecare. With Seymour’s passing this year, tournament leaders will pay tribute to his extraordinary leadership and commitment to JGS Lifecare.

“Seymour touched and enriched so many lives and so many organizations.  JGS Lifecare was at the top of the list,” commented Susan Halpern, vice president of development at JGS Lifecare. “He helped start so many firsts here….he and his wife Edna, of blessed memory, were amongst the founders of the Mr. and Mrs. Club and he brought the idea of a fundraising golf tournament to the “Home”….creating our annual Kinsler Classic…now our Frankel-Kinsler Classic, renamed in memory of his beloved son, Michael. He was instrumental in running the raffle and bridge tournaments year after year!  As a member of every Development Committee I ever led, he brought forth great ideas and connected with so many in the community to help us spread our good work and raise the necessary funds to accomplish our goals.  He leaves an extraordinary legacy of caring and good deeds.”

Event Sponsors committed to the tournament include The Albert & Judith Goldberg Family Foundation, Harry Grodsky & Co, The Lynn D. and Gilbert A. Haberman Family Fund at the Jewish Endowment Foundation, a division of the Jewish Federation of Western MA, Steve and Georgianne Roberts, Epstein Financial Services, Berkshire Bank, Alekman DiTusa, LLC, Century Investment, CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP, Donna Frankel, Kaste Industrial Machine Sales, Inc., NEFCO, and ProCare LTC Pharmacy.

Registration begins at 11:00 a.m. with tee-off at 12:30 p.m. The entry fee if $275 and includes 18 holes of golf, a barbecue lunch, dinner and an ice-cream sundae bar. Golfers will have a chance to win several hole-in-one contests sponsored by Gary Rome Hyundai, Teddy Bear Pools, and Tekoa Country Club, as well as win raffle prizes. Golf Tournament Solutions will be offering golfers the opportunity to win a closest to the pin contest with the use of their air cannon. Awards will be presented to top golfers during the dinner portion of the event.

Proceeds will fund enhancements to resident programming and services, will fund the purchase of medical and personal protective equipment, and will support staff scholarships for advanced training and career advancement.

To register go to or contact Susan Halpern at or 413-567-3949, ext. 3533.