JGS Lifecare Celebrates the 25-year Anniversary of Ruth’s House Assisted Living on Tuesday, September 19th

Ruth’s House was named after sisters-in-law, Ruth Katz and Ruth Webber (z’l) who, together with their husbands David B. Katz and Ralph G. Webber (z’l), committed a leadership gift in 1998 to make Ruth’s House a reality.
The Katz and Webber families were inspired by the tremendous potential of assisted living to enrich lives and the remarkable story of Ruth from the Hebrew Bible. In the story, Ruth pledges to care for her mother-in-law and speaks the famous biblical lines:
“wherever you go, I will go, wherever you stay, I will stay…”
The story of Ruth is a story about human caring, deep devotion and the compassion and the commitment of a family member and a community to stand by the vulnerable and those in real need. This too is the story of our community and our Ruth’s House.
Over the past twenty-five years, the Katz and Webber Families, through Margo Steinberg, Jane Shernow and Jamie Polep, Trustees of the Ruth K. and Ralph G. Webber Family Foundation, have remained steadfast supporters – always answering the call to support critical renovations. Our Ruth’s House community is deeply grateful for their ongoing commitment and support.
Event: 25-Year Anniversary Celebration at Ruth’s House Assisted Living
Date: Tuesday, September 19th
Timing: 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM – Program begins at 4:00 PM
Location: 780 Converse Street, Longmeadow, MA
RSVP: Mary-Anne Schelb at 413-935-1791 or mschelb@JGSLIfecare.org
Please join us for an afternoon of celebrating a quarter of a century caring for our elder community with a dedication, candle lighting, as well as remarks for the future.
For more information or to RSVP, please contact Mary-Anne Schelb at mschelb@JGSLifecare.org or call 413-935-1791