January 12, 2021

January’s Message from Adam Berman, Legacy Lifecare President

A gloved medical professional administers a shot in a woman's arm

Dear Residents and Staff,

I felt a range of emotions as the COVID-19 vaccines got underway. Certainly, this was the first time I have witnessed people excited to get a shot! I also felt an enormous amount of pride upon seeing, firsthand, the enthusiasm, cooperation and spirit of our staff and residents at the vaccination clinics. The degree of advance preparation that went into the planning was truly impressive.

This vaccine holds such promise. It will enable my children to hug their grandparents. It will allow our wonderful residents to congregate and enjoy visits from their loved ones. And it will enable our exceptional staff to be free of the burden and risks that come from this terrible disease.

We are proud to kick off our “Superheroes Saving Lives” campaign this month. We have faced many challenging and unprecedented situations since the beginning of the pandemic, and throughout it all, our staff has been extraordinary the entire time. This campaign is a way to thank our employees for adhering to proper infection control protocols as well as conveying the importance of taking the coronavirus vaccine.

“Not all superheroes wear capes. At Chelsea Jewish Lifecare, we wear masks” is much more than a campaign slogan. Our employees are indeed superheroes. I am deeply grateful for their resilience, dedication, and cooperation in keeping our residents safe and healthy. At the same time, I truly hope the campaign instills a little bit of much-needed humor into our daily routine.

I strongly encourage each and every one of you to take the vaccine. It will protect our families, our employees, our residents, and our communities. I cannot think of a better reason than that.

Warm regards,
Adam Berman
JGS Lifecare