Florence Lavin, JNH’s First Director of Food Service, Remembered During Family Visit

We were thrilled to welcome Ken Lavin, wife Michele and children, Gabriele and Jeremy, to the nursing home for a visit. It was a memorable day as Ken reminisced about the 29 years that his mother, Florence Lavin, of blessed memory, served as Home’s dietician and first Director of Food Service.
Florence, who worked in this role from 1966-1995, was a beloved member of the food service team. During the family’s visit, Ken shared many wonderful memories about his mother at work. He reminded Gabriele that she was named after Grandmother Florence. What a meaningful tribute to a wonderful woman!
The family viewed the plaque in the coffee shop which pays tribute to Florence for her many years of commitment and service to our seniors. Thank you, Ken, for bringing your beautiful family to visit us. We are so pleased you are keeping alive your mother’s legacy to our elders!