June 3, 2020

CJL/JGS United Together

Black and white woman standing together

Team CJL and Team JGS:

Like so many across the world, we too have been reading, watching, and hearing about the tragic events unfolding across our nation.  We are outraged and heartbroken over the needless deaths of George Floyd and so many others and the racial and ethnic inequalities and injustices that continue to occur in our country.

As a Jewish healthcare organization, our core mission and values are drawn from the Jewish tenet of tikkun olam – the moral imperative to heal the world. Indeed, our country is in great need of healing. It is in great need of understanding, of justice, and of transformation. The Black Lives Matter movement and the many protests that we are witnessing powerfully compel us to act and not remain silent. We must urgently listen, unite, and work together to correct the racial disparities and discrimination that continue to plague the lives of so many of our loved ones.

Chelsea Jewish Lifecare and JGS Lifecare vehemently denounce racism in all its forms. We strongly support the equal rights of all people to live in dignity, regardless of their race, creed, or background.

To all our beloved employees, residents, and families of color – we see you, we hear you, and we stand with you, now and always.

Should you have any questions, need support, or just want to chat, please reach out to me or anyone else in the organization with whom you feel comfortable.

Adam Berman