JGS Lifecare’s 42nd Annual Frankel Kinsler Classic Day of Tournaments Rallies Wide Range of Support for the Care of our Elders

JGS Lifecare hosted its 42nd Annual Frankel-Kinsler Classic Day of Tournaments at Twin Hills Country Club in Longmeadow, under beautiful skies on June 26th. Drawing over 200 guests attracted to golf, tennis, pickleball, card-playing tournaments, and a celebratory awards dinner, the event raised over $111,000 to support senior care at The Leavitt Family Jewish Home, Ruth’s House Assisted Living, Sosin Center for Rehabilitation, Wernick Adult Day Health Care, Spectrum Home Health and Hospice Care, and Genesis House.
“We’re overwhelmed by the tremendous show of support from businesses and individuals throughout Western Massachusetts, said vice president of development and communications Susan Halpern. “Event proceeds will help replace tired and worn bedroom furnishings with new nightstands, bureaus, armoires and headboards. The upgrades are intended to elevate residents’ comfort, joy and well-being in their private spaces.”
Co-Chairman, Brian Zippin, welcomed participants at the awards dinner and thanked all sponsors and tournament participants for their support.
Dr. Stuart Anfang, chairman of the JGS Lifecare board of directors, offered his greetings and gratitude to all supporters and attendees, and provided an update on recent achievements at JGS Lifecare. He shared his excitement that planning is underway to bring the household model of care, known as the Green House Model proven so successful at Sosin Center for Rehabilitation, to residents of the The Leavitt Family Jewish Home. He asked that people mark their calendars for the JGS Lifecare Annual Meeting to be held Tuesday, October 10th, where more details will be shared about these exciting new plans. He also announced that on Thursday, September 14th the community will be invited to join JGS Lifecare in celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Ruth’s House Assisted Living Residence, with public announcements forthcoming.
Israel Schepps awarded tournament prizes and Susan Halpern announced raffle winners.
Event Sponsors include The Haberman, Katz and Webber Families, Harry Grodsky & Co., Inc.; Steven & Georgianne Roberts; HUB Retirement & Wealth Management formerly Epstein Financial Services; Liberty Bank; PeoplesBank; The Albert & Judith Goldberg Family Foundation; Alekman DiTusa LLC; Century Investment; CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP; Donna, Emma & Joely Frankel; Kaste Industrial Machine Sales, Inc.; Spartan Auto Care Centers; and Westfield Bank. Click here for a full list of our Sponsors.
“As an organization whose majority of funding comes through Medicaid, the Frankel-Kinsler Classic is an enormously successful and fun way for us to engage the community to provide fiscal resources to help us maintain our quality of care and enrich our programming,” commented Halpern.
A big THANK YOU to our 2023 In-Kind Donors for the Great Raffle Prizes! Click the link to view the listing and please show your gratitude to our supporters by patronizing them with your business!
2023 Frankel-Kinsler Classic Golf Tournament Champions:
- Low Gross – David Ference, Joe Westcott, Eric Devine and Joe Gozzi
- 2nd Gross – Rick Rabideau, Pat McGovern, Ken Ferris and Al Lomaglio
- Low Net – Frank Marci, Chuck Harding, Random Draw 1 and Random Draw 2
- 2nd Net – Peter Vangsness, Scott Feinstein, Bill Gates and Kevin Harkness
- 3rd Net – Gary Weiner, Robert Girvan, Andrew Callery and Kent Griffiths
- Closest to the Pin – (hole 3) Joe Gozzi with Hole in One; (hole 9) Suzanne Osofsky at 10’; (hole 13) Joe Gozzi at 10’1”; (hole 18) Rob Whitten at 2,4’’
- Closest to the Line – Men – Joe Westcott
- Closest to the Line – Women – Sue Kline
- Longest Drive – Men – Dr. Vincent Guardione
- Longest Drive – Women – Flavia Cote