December 31, 2021

Family Letter – December 31, 2021

Dear Families and Friends,

COVID cases are once again rising throughout the state, and we have started to see a commensurate increase in infection rates among our staff.  This purpose of this letter is to provide an update on our response, as well as to make some requests of you.  Together, we can manage the risks and successfully face what lies ahead.

Please know that preventing the spread of the disease is our top priority.  We continue to follow all the best evidence-based practices to limit the spread and keep your loved ones safe.  Between early detection of cases through regular screening and testing and fastidious adherence to infection control procedures we are well-positioned to mitigate risks of outbreaks.  Nevertheless, we are concerned about “spikes” in broader community infection rates for reasons relating to hospital capacity and staffing.  The next several weeks are critical in managing both overall rates and speed of transmission.  With this in mind, we will be limiting the number of vendors and other personnel in our homes.  While we are not prohibiting in-person visitation, for at least the next couple of weeks we ask that families and friends consider either postponing visits or conducting them virtually.  This is not something that we will ask you to adhere to for any longer than absolutely necessary but feel it is important to make this request given the current situation.

I also want to assure you that we have more than sufficient staff to attend to the care needs of all our residents.  There may be times over the coming weeks, however, where our responses to phone calls, requests, etc. are delayed as we prioritize resident care responsibilities.  Your understanding and courtesy are appreciated.

Indeed, we anticipate some challenges ahead this winter.  However, thanks to vaccinations and new treatments COVID does not represent the societal threat that it once did.  Nevertheless, caring for a vulnerable population, even with advancements in prevention and treatment of COVID infection, remains a cause for concern and caution.  We will endeavor to keep everyone updated and appreciate your support and cooperation as we navigate the next few months.

Adam Berman