Honoring Our Remarkable Nurses During National Nurses Month

With over 4 million registered nurses in the US, nursing is the largest segment of the nation’s workforce. It is also one of the most rewarding, albeit challenging, professions. The impact nurses make on healthcare is unparalleled. JGS Lifecare employs approximately 90 nurses. They show us, firsthand, how they go above and beyond the call of duty—every single day.
As the American Nurses Association kicks off its annual month-long celebration in May, it seems appropriate to highlight a few members of our nursing staff. Take a look at why they went into nursing and their experiences at JGS Lifecare.
We’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the amazing nurses in our organization. You are the very essence of JGS Lifecare.
Ron Anglo
Chief Clinical Officer
“Having moved from the Philippines, I initially became a nurse for practical reasons. Nursing was, and still is, a stable profession. I soon realized that being a nurse is an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life—at one of the most vulnerable stages of their lives. In the end, whatever we do for others, especially those who are not related to us, is what defines one’s existence.”
“The covid pandemic taught us so many things. It showed how vulnerable our residents are and how many of them are totally dependent on us as health care workers. The pandemic also showed the goodness of our staff and how selfless they were/are. They put their own lives on the line to help care for residents during such difficult times. For that, we will forever be grateful to them.”
Karen Petruccelli, MSN, RN
Vice President of Clinical Services
“After graduating high school, I was uncertain of my career path and decided to explore nursing. Best decision ever! My very first job was with the American Red Cross, working on disaster relief and emergency blood collections. From there, I moved to acute care focusing on maternal child health. I was able to work different shifts to accommodate my growing family. When I was offered a position at a SNF, I took it and never looked back!”
“I quickly learned that the nurse is always the conduit in healthcare. This was never more evident than during the height of the pandemic—in many ways a nurse’s proudest moment. I personally witnessed the heroic and selfless acts of so many of our nurses. Their work was not just traditional nursing such as transporting, cleaning, and cooking. Rather they fielded countless calls from family members, learned how to Zoom on the fly and were united as a team to do the very best for our residents. They were strong; they brave; they were truly remarkable.”
Shannon Wesson, RN, WCC
Director of Nursing
“As a young child, I spent a lot of time with my grandparents and their friends and felt a great connection with them. Listening to their stories and hearing about their life experiences made a huge impact upon me. It actually inspired me to become a nurse.”
“Being a nurse leader enables me to use valuable critical thinking and common sense to be able to provide compassionate care to the vulnerable population we serve. I enjoy motivating and encouraging our amazing team of caregivers to provide the most exceptional care possible.”
“During the height of our Covid-19 pandemic, when we worked countless hours and provided incredible care to those who were struggling with the virus, our staff also cared for each other. I witnessed countless acts of kindness, gratitude, and humanity from all levels of caregivers. Volunteering to bring residents to an adjacent window to wave to their loved ones. Volunteering to deliver donated farmers market items to staff members’ homes who were struggling with the virus themselves. Caring for each other during the most strenuous days. These actions are not something that is not taught, rather they are qualities engrained within the souls of our caregivers. That’s what makes our organization so special.”