May 12, 2022

What’s Happening at JGS Lifecare

A resident in a purple shirt celebrates Easter.

This month we were so happy to welcome the spring season. The springtime holidays helped us recharge our spirit of hope and faith, rebirth and renewal. Rabbi Devorah Jacobson and Cantor Martin Levson led Passover Seders at the Leavitt Family Jewish Home and Ruth’s House. Our thanks to Deacon Higby for leading the Stations of the Cross for Good Friday. Residents enjoyed receiving greeting cards and gift bags for Easter from Carol Casartello and Sue Saunders, our wonderful long-time volunteers.

Our resident cats Thelma and Louise bring so much love to our residents. Did you know that time spent with pets can improve energy levels, self-esteem, mood, as well as decrease depression? Additional benefits include increased motor skills and movement, improved social skills and verbal communication, decreased boredom, and a more positive outlook.

We like to help our residents stay active and engaged. Residents enjoyed activities like jewelry making, bowling and balloon ball toss to keep them active and social. With the warm weather finally upon us, expect to see many more outdoor activities in the mix. Stay tuned –the best is yet to come!