Appreciating Our Wonderful Nurses!

JGS Lifecare is excited to be celebrating National Nurses Month with a varied line-up of events and activities, demonstrating our appreciations and gratitude to our nursing staff for their extraordinary commitment to the care of our community’s elders.
Nurse Appreciation Week is underway from May 8th – 12th with planned activities including: special gifts for all nursing staff; a Taco food truck for all 3 shifts; a dessert truck of homemade baked goods including cookies, cupcakes and ice cream floats for all three shifts – provided by Clyde’s Cupcakes; raffle prizes throughout the week for all JGS staff. Friday culminates with Nostalgic Candy Bar Day, offering old fashion and retro candies for residents and staff.
In addition, we are looking forward to celebrating Skilled Nursing Care Week between May 14th-20th. We will celebrate with: a staff cookout in our Michael’s Café Courtyard; an ice-cream truck for residents and staff; a cold beverage bar for residents and staff; a bake off on all households; and another week-long raffle celebration for all staff! We hope that everyone enjoys the festivities!
Reflected Carol Mortensen, executive director of The Leavitt Family Jewish Home, “The role of a nurse at JGS is vital, they not only provide physical care to our residents, they provide emotional support to our residents and their families. They spend an extended amount of time with their residents and develop valuable relationships. Join us in thanking our fantastic nurses! We could not do our important work without them!”
Mary-Anne Schelb, director of business development remarked, “We are grateful for our nursing staff as they oversee the care that each and every one of our residents receives. From small to big matters, they are there for our residents with love and compassion no matter how busy the day gets. Our nursing staff selflessly give of their time, energy and expertise to help optimize our residents’ experience to not only make them feel comfortable, but help them feel safe and secure in their home. Nurses are the core of our JGS family and we could not do what we do without them!”
Christina Tuohey, executive director at Ruth’s House agreed, and added, “Our nurses at Ruth’s House provide the extra care our residents need. They are there to provide a quick medical check or to address any medical emergencies, providing our residents with care, comfort and reassurance. Please know that we are grateful for all that you do and you are appreciated beyond words!”
Be sure to thank our nurses this month! And check out the related article posted on May 8th on our website at
“Nurses dispense comfort, compassion and caring without even a prescription.” Val Saintsbury