April 21, 2015

Project Transformation ETA

A groundbreaking ceremony for the 24-bed short-stay Sosin Center for Rehabilitation was held May 5, 2015, with early site preparation beginning in June. In July, the Department of Public Health approved plans for the Center which will be built in the small house model of care. It is named after the George Sosin, a long-time JGS supporter and volunteer, who made an extraordinary gift of $3 million to JGS. The Sosin Center will be connected to the existing nursing home by a bright promenade that will include Michael’s Café, a new kosher coffee shop and cafeteria. The Sosin Center will be completed in approximately 12 – 14 months.

Leavitt Family Jewish Home

Conversion of the A-1 and A-2 units into the small house model of care will take place after the Sosin Center is complete. Two 80-bed units will remain in the traditional model of care, along with a traditional kitchen. Additional enhancements will include general upgrades to the C-Unit.

RH Great Room Interior

Ruth’s House

The $1 million renovation of Ruth’s House is complete and the results are beautiful. To visit, please contact Lynn Landry, director of Community Relations at 413-567-6212.

Wernick Adult Day Health Care Center

The expansion and relocation of Wernick will follow construction of the Sosin Center for Rehabilitation and the conversion of the nursing home’s A-1 and A-2 units to small house.