October 13, 2022

Message from Rob Whitten, President of JGS Lifecare

Rob Whitten

Dear Residents and Families,

I hope this message finds everyone well. Happy New Year to those who recently observed the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. As a campus, we were excited to once again be able to offer the traditional festival meal on Erev Rosh Hashanah for residents and their families. The holiday was observed at both Ruth’s House and The Leavitt Family Jewish Nursing Home. We received exceptional feedback from our residents and families!

Please join me in welcoming Carol Mortensen as the new Executive Director of The Leavitt Family Jewish Nursing Home. Carol, who is also a Registered Nurse, comes to us with many years of experience in the health care field. Previously, she held positions as a Charge Nurse, Nurse Manager and Director of Nursing, prior to becoming a Licensed Administrator.

Carol lives with her husband just over the border in Connecticut and spends her free time with her daughter and three grandchildren. Carol has been making it a priority to meet as many residents, families, and staff as possible since she started her position. I am thrilled to have her on board.

In closing, I’d like to point out that as the leaves on the trees begin to change and the days become colder, we can also expect an increase in community COVID and flu cases. The CDC recommends receiving an updated bivalent booster, which we are presently administering to residents. I strongly recommend that all residents and visitors remain current with their boosters. Stay well!

Warm regards,


Rob Witten
JGS Lifecare