June 15, 2022

Look What’s Happening at JGS

Resident making plants

A great time was had by all at our Annual Veteran’s BBQ held on June 2nd. Our resident Veterans enjoyed visiting with Veterans from the community, sharing stories and a wonderful meal. Lena Velturro, Director of Veteran’s Affairs for the Town of Longmeadow, helped organize the event. Rob Whitten served up the delicious hamburgers and hot dogs.

On June 6th our residents gathered to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Shavout. Services were followed by a holiday social gathering on Michael’s Patio, where strawberry shortcake was served and enjoyed by all.

On June 7th residents from our A1 and NY neighborhoods enjoyed a BBQ on Michael’s patio. Rob Whitten demonstrated his amazing grilling talents again, serving up hamburgers, hotdogs and more. A BBQ for our C1 and C2 residents is planned for July.

Herb planting, bag toss and bingo continue to be favorite pastimes for our residents!